Why External PIT Tags?
Our Hallprint external PIT tags combine the best features of traditional external tags, with significant add-on benefits of encapsulating PIT tags.
The industry has largely embraced PIT tags for a range of applications, and there are a lot of advantages to using them:
Virtually unlimited unique IDs
Small size allows tagging of small and juvenile fish
Automated, rapid and highly accurate tagging data entry
Hands-free tag reading
Allows passive automated and active hands-free tracking of tagged fish
Pass-over streambed antennas
Pass-through culvert and dam ladder antennas
Modified trawl net antennas
Mobile wand readers
Raft- or boat-mounted arrays
However, there are some downsides to PIT tags as well:
Typically requires fish to be anesthetized for surgical implantation
Increased fish handling and longer recovery times
Higher incidental mortality rates
High tag rejection/shedding rates, particularly in ripe adult fish
Unvalidated long-term retention rates
Food safety risks to consumptive fishery users
Impossible to visually identify tagged fish
Angler participation is impossible
No way to incorporate video or visual counts of tagged vs. untagged fish
Mis-scanned PIT tags are never counted without a secondary mark
There are also some downsides to traditional external fish tags:
Printed tag numbers limit the number of unique IDs that can be easily used
Manual data entry introduces risk of data entry errors
Fish have to be recaptured and handled for any long-term data collection
Using External PIT tags can solve these problems, for a similar initial purchase price, and potentially reduced operational cost of application.
Automated data entry with a quick scan significantly improves data quality by reducing manual data entry errors
Virtually unlimited unique IDs are available, allowing tracking of individual fish across many years and cohorts
Industry standard ISO 134.2 kHz FDX frequency allows tags to be read using most existing infrastructure or readily available equipment. HDX and HF tags also available by request. BYO is also an option.
Tag data are easily standardized and shared with collaborators across multiple projects and organizations, such as with the PTAGIS online database system
Visible external mark allows quick visual identification of tagged fish
Anglers can return tags and contribute valuable data, or release tagged fish unharmed to prevent experimental bias
Recapture and monitoring sites can be semi- or fully automated with manual counters or video systems (check out our Count Centralizer© system) to survey both tagged and untagged fish simultaneously
If the tag doesn’t scan the first time, operators always know to try again
External PIT tags can be passively or actively tracked for all the advantages of a PIT tag, plus possible improvements in read range and detectability
Numerous studies have documented high long-term tag retention rates of external tags, far greater than those seen with injected PIT tags
Easier and faster tag application times
Reduced handling
No anesthesia
Less staff training requirements
Virtually zero incidental mortality on most fish species
For spawning salmon, external PIT tags are far less likely to be lost during spawning, and more likely to remain available during post-spawn carcass surveys. They will also be highly visible to researchers conducting redd surveys without any disruption to spawning
Tampering and counterfeiting are virtually impossible in applications where data security is a concern (e.g., high value derbies, aquaculture, contentious fisheries, poaching enforcement)